Thursday 16 July 2009

Day Thirty Four

Internet at last, we got connected today so I'm writing this from the comfort of the sofa at Glebe. We did some shopping and had lunch here, spent some time on internet looking at jobs, and did a few jobs around the house. I sealed up some of gaps around door in our room to quieten down the traffic a bit.

We went out to the pub quiz tonight. We went here

We didn't win alas, ah well maybe next week.

We both keep looking for jobs, it seems we get very little response form people when we apply, guess we have to up our efforts even more. Next week now we have internet all day we can push hard on that aspect, it's the only thing really to sort now.

I'm volunteering at Oxfam again tomorrow for a few hours, wont commit to more next week to focus on jobs.

It's raining again today. Got a video call with folks tomorrow which will be cool, can check out Oovoo on the Plasma too!


  1. miss you ade! especially with Latitude this wkd, that was always your baby after all...

    Soo i take it Oovoo is like Skype? I Skype with my sister so if you're on there sometime, would be good to see you! xxx

  2. Hey Karo, yeah shame not to be in Suffolk this weekend, been there since the beginning.

    Oovoo is similar to Skype yep, email me your Skype details and i'll look out for ya!

  3. I found that it took about 6 months from when we moved to the UK before people started taking me / my CV seriously - I think they thought I wasn't going to stick around or something. I'm sure it'll be better for you two though - better CVs and so on.

  4. Thanks K, Think I just need to perservere ;-)

  5. The thing is I never understood that attitude - it's not like one moves overseas for the hell of it - containers are expensive! Do these people not realise?? Hehe

    Having done it once though, I'm not sure I'd have the nerve to do it again. It's better to do blind, I think.

    You keep posting - we'll keep reading.
