Monday 22 August 2011

Day Eight Hundred

800 days down under....

Hard to believe this is the 800th posting, still have a few days to update back form February and my 2 year roundup is still to be completed. I'm trying to get back into habit of writing this everyday. I know my folks read it daily but I wonder if there is anyone else out there, if so leave a comment hahaha.

Another lazy day in Sydney. Spent morning reading papers etc, pies for lunch followed by the Sydney Swans game on the telly.

Had steak and veggie meal for dinner cooked by Carol, I then met Kelly (my equivalent for the Sydney event) and took a van off her and dropped her to St Leonards station.

Came home and had a good Skype call with folks.

Off to bed before a big Sydney TW week.

1 comment:

  1. Hi mate, I'm still reading, maybe not daily but I catch up from time to time!

