as we decided to have a quiet new years eve away together. We have lots of celebrating to do in 2011 and decided a couple of quiet days away would be good for us so we can relax before the big year ahead!
Happy New Year to all my readers....
and so to the year in review....
2010 A Year in Review
January Started off with job hunting for both of us, and then a trip to Adelaide to have Bridesmaid Dress fitting (Kate not me) for Chris and Hannahs wedding in March. It was hot...

Kate started her job at the PCFA and I also started the contract job at Caritas. We saw Lily Allen at the Horden and went to the Big Day Out Festival at Homebush.
February I spent most of Feb working at Caritas and helping put on an event in Martin Place. Here are a few pics as a reminder

Later in the month Kate celebrated her 29th Birthday and we got pretty shedded that night
The month was rounded off by a trip to see Placebo at the Enmore in Newtown and then pre wedding celebrations at Chris and Hannahs Stag and Hen nights.
March Primarily March was all about celebrating Chris and Hannahs wedding
The other big things to happen in March was our finding new flat in Newtown to live in. Although we didn't finally move out until April we had everything sorted and keys to Newtown apartment in March.
Finally we lost the wonderful Marion in March after her fairly short battle with cancer. I'm sure she is all looking down on us wishing us well.
April We finally moved out of Glebe, I started my new contract job at Oxfam as Trailwalker Sydney Volunteers Coordinator. Before I knew it I was down in Melbourne helping with their event which went off really well.
We also visited the Royal Easter Show at Homebush.
May May was a fairly quiet moth travel wise, really the majority of the month was spent throwing myself into the Oxfam job.
June Celebrated a year in Australia. We had trips to the beach South of Sydney but more importantly headed North to Darwin to help Anna and Rick celebreate thier wedding. Also got to spend a week with Hazel too.
Apart from that the month was foccused on Trailwalker Sydney volunteer recruitment.
July Back to reality and a long month of Trailwalker recruitment and briefing sessions. Got to see the Magic Numbers in the city which was great.
August A big month with the Sydney Trailwalker event taking place. Did lots of travel around Sydney giving briefings and also spent best part of week after work briefing general volunteers.

Had more serious discussions about moving to Brisbane.
September I headed back to UK to catch up with folks. Having earned so much tme off with job it was good opportunity to visit folks back home. Also got a chance to go to Bestival which was fun.
Was great to also get back to Kate later in the month and finalise plans for move to Brisbane.
The great shower ceiling debacle of 2010 started in September 2010 also!
October Trip after trip to Brisbane finding a place to live, plce starting to do some work inthe Brisbane office itself. We gave notice on Newtown flat and finally someone was found to move in and take over the place.
November The big move to Brisbane, we packed up our lives again and headed 1000km north to Brisbane. We got ourselves settled in and unpcked again. We also went to see Powderfingers final Sydney gig at Acer arena.
December More trips up and down to Sydney to organise Wedding things. A quiet buid up to Christmas, a quiet Christmas in Sydney and a trip to Penny Ridge Resort to see in new year.
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