A lazy start to the day, got up about 9am and had a light brekkie. Helped with making stuffing for the turkey, my contribution was chopping 2 onions and shelling a bowl of Pistachio nuts.
Soon enough it was lunchtime and we had a beautiful turkey dinner and some pretty successful pigs in blankets.
We had some present opening in the afternoon and then John, Laura Erin and Will stopped by. This resulted in a game of trivial Pursuit. Kate's cousin Fiona also stopped into say hello.
We had the first of four Skype calls then, Firstly with Chris and Hannah in Adelaide, a short break then with my folks in UK. We followed this with a call to my sister and Peter in UK and then another short break for some food.
Finally we had a final joint skype call with my folks and sister and peter so folks could open joint present.
Had some wonderful presents from everyone, plus some tacky ones from the folks (but much appreciated), the musical tie was a highlight!
In the evening we finally opened the remaining presents to each other and then slobbed out in fount of TV and then off to bed.
Some pictures of the day below.

The tree

The table



Nice messages

The Darlings

The Darlings again

Nice Hats



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