Relaxed day at work, headed home early to pick Kate up and then we headed off to the Greek Club in South Brisbane for the Queensland Outdoor Recreation Federation Awards Dinner. Trailwalker put ourselves forward for three awards and became Finalists in 2 categories, one of which we won.
More details here
Here are pictures of our award for The Brisbane City Council outdoor event award
Framed Certificate
The Award
Erin and myself collecting with our awards.
In other big news we sold the flat in London today. All went smoothly by all accounts which is great. It gives Kate and I a nice nest egg for buying a place here in Australia in the future. goodbye Dinton Rd!
Congrats on the award and selling the house... 3 years ago slaving away at Symbian I bet winning an award for events management was a very distant dream and now look what's happened! I doubt 18 months ago you would even have thought you'd be living up in Brizzie. It's amazing where it can take you if you follow your dream!