Sunday, 13 June 2010

Day Three Hundred and Sixty Six


And so the start of year 2 down under.

Got up at 4.23am and dragged myself into lounge to watch the football. Not a particularly great game but a draw was better than nothing. Our goalkeeper played a howler of a game.
Went back to bed at 6.20. Got up at about 11am, Kate brought me breakfast which was great.

At 1.30ish we were picked up by Bill and Carol and we headed over to Cronulla Beach. Some pics are below. Was nice to get out and about on the bank holiday weekend. (well it's Queens Birthday celebration weekend, but they are bank holidays to me).

Came home had a cuppa and then Bill and Carol left.

Had a Skype call with folks in the evening followed by some Mexican food.

And congratulations to our friends Kay and Keith back in blighty on the birth of thier daughter Lily Grace

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