Monday, 17 May 2010

Day Three Hundred and Thirty Nine

Rubbish start to the day

Had to run for train and just made it, then had hassles trying to buy a ticket to Parramatta form Redfern where I changed. As I was trying to walk down the stairs at Redfern on the right someold bloke (probably about 70) took exception tome walking down the wrong side, lowered his head on the way up the stairs and proceeded to headbut/charge me full on the stomach.

He then ranted about using the left hand side of the stairs. Idiot. I pointed out there were no signs saying keep left in my best British Accent and he grumbled and wen ton his way.

Had he been younger he may have had an unfortunate trip on the stairs.

First Aid training was rubbish, it was run by cowboys out to make cash as quick as possible, anyhow I have a certificate now and don't have to do it again for three years.

Finished early having done the exam (I got 36 out of 40).

Came home and did some ironing (sorry Bill) and attacked the massive build up of washing up.

Tomorrow back to the office and seeing a wedding photographer in the evening.

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