Got up and after breakfast drove to Alexandria and had a brief meeting with CARITAS. I start there tomorrow doing some project administration work. It's a temp role and actually ideal as we are clear on both sides its 4-6 weeks for them and from my side if I get a proper job I can walk out of the door. Gets some money coming in.
Drove back to Glebe again.
Cancer Council Chilled briefly, I then drove to Wooloomaloo in the east and interviewed for a job with theNSW. This was an interesting role and I think the interview went well. I'll find out in a few weeks.
Drove back to Glebe again.
Then drove to Willoughby to see Bill briefly (to drop of some ironing to be honest, lucked out with a future father in law who loves to iron). Drove from there to St.Leonards to pick up Kate.
Drove back to Glebe again
We had some dinner then we drove over to the Horden Pavillion to see Lily Allen. Have to say was a really good gig and a pretty good venue too.
Took us best part of an hour to get out of the multistory car park though and we drove Caroline who we met there back to Newtown
Drove back to Glebe again
Just got home, trying to sort out rental issues with the flat in London and now off to bed before up early to go to work.
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