Monday, 19 October 2009

Day One Hundred and Twenty Nine

Awoke at 5.30 am, although my brain said switch the alarm off you have another hours sleep, thankfully I had set a second alarm and so dragged myself out of bed. Kate drove me to the airport and we said our goodbyes. This trip will be the longest we have ever spent apart...not looking forward to that.

Was having an uneventful flight until a poor old gentleman collapsed at the back of the plane. Seemed stuff was coming out off him from all possible means. The crew had oxygen on him and laid him out in the back row behind me. I can tell you the cabin environment wasn't pleasant for last 40 mins off flight but had to feel sorry for the guy. Still means we got fast tracked into Melbourne so paramedics could meet him.

Did a day at work, walked some of venues in Melbourne for event and then walked back to Northcote. A quiet night in with calls to Kate and then bed.

Internet (well more precisely the small laptop) is playing up in Northcote so blog updates may be sporadic or late (if anyone is still reading).

Oh and big debate around here about this...

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