A bit of a lay in after previous 2 days early starts. Bill and carol arrived to help us get our new bed upstairs/over the balcony. A bit of shoving got the mattress up the stairs, and then we winched the base over the balcony and thankfully it went in just (was worried about the angles myself). See pics below.
I then had to shoot off to coordinate one of the checkpoints in the trailwalker event. I had Kate, Bill and Carol come and visit to help out. There wasn't much for them ot do as all the volunteers had shown up, plus the event was winding down at that checkpoint by then.
We had our last team through at about 6pm, so I got the tear down underway and we were all done by 6.30. Had all our gear collected and I went back to event control.
Other checkpoints and the finish had more fun, it's been very windy here today and the marquees near the coast effectively took off, collapsed and have been written off.
I went to visit the finish after I was done at event control and there wasn't much left there. A shame really as walkers didn't get much fanfare as a result, but crowds were cheering everyone on.
Tomorrow is a catch up cal with family which will be good, not spoken tot hem for a week with all this running around. Plus we need to go and invest in queen size bedding for the new bed!
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