Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Day Forty Seven

Drove out to Miranda today, a place south of the city to meet a recruitment agent. Was good to drive past airport and see all the BA planes! Had about 45 mins chatting about current job market and then all the usual what are strengths/weaknesses stuff blah blah. She seemed OK, a little remote from the city but is putting some feelers out to see if theres any jobs about.

Drove back via the cycle shop to pick up some new saddles for the bikes. We had lunch and then went for a cycle around Blackwattle Bay, Bicentennial park etc.

After that we did some shopping, cooked Mexican for dinner and then Oovoo'd with the folks.

Had a chilled evening in front of TV. Chris and Hannah also called and it was good to catch up on thier news.

It's still quite chilly here, I reckon theres a huge untapped market for installing central heating here, I think the aussies need it at least 3 months a year to keep houses warm. maybe I should become a plumber hehehehe.

And finally here is a pic of me on the bike, don't I look fetching, still at least my ex workmates who said I wouldn't get on a bike are proven wrong ;-)

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