Saturday, 27 June 2009

Day Fifteen

A fairly laid back day today so not much to report. Spoke to real estate agent and organised taking possession of house on Wednesday morning. have to pay 3 months up front but at least its out of the way for the first three months.

Here are pictures of the place....

Did a bit of shopping, bought myself a satnav, will help getting around when we buy a car and has a cool lane feature telling you which lane to be in, Sydney is one big monster one way system with streets 4-5 lanes wide, plus across the harbour bridge is 8 lanes and it spits into many different lanes for different part of city and Northshore at other end.

Looked at prices for appliances and furniture, think we will go bargain hunting on Tuesday on last day of sales.

Had a lovely homecooked dinner at home, and we nipped to offy before hand and picked up some booze to have a drink in this evening

Tomorrow is looking around for cars!

That's about it, will speak to family on oovoo tomorrow, looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. House looks nice! Am hugely envious of your lane deciphering sat-nav, as the cheapo one we got in the US has no clue about lanes. Continue to read the blog, but mostly in big chunks in one go, hence the belated commenting.

    All the best, Kay and Craig G
