Monday, 27 February 2012
Day Nine Hundred and Ninety
Got into work early as our new volunteers coordinator was starting today. All went well.
Had the nonsense of Kevin Rudd trying to get Prime Minister ship back from Julia Gillard, he failed.
Picked up Kate and headed home
In other news the flat sale has gone through so we have to find somewhere new to live in the next 4 weeks. Back on the rental inspection merry go round.
Day Nine Hundred and Eighty Nine
We checked out at 10am and headed into Noosa again to have Brunch. We wanted to check out Bistro C which was our first choice for dinner the night before and next door to where we actually ended up.
Had a lovely brunch. Took a walk in Noosa and visited a few more shops including the Peter Lik gallery which was interesting to understand the value of his work, especially as we have one here which I bought back in 2002.
We drove over to the beaches further east before driving home in the afternoon, some shopping and a usual Sunday night at home.
Day Nine Hundred and Eighty Eight
Happy Anniversary to us, a year since we got married.
We awoke to a dry morning after all the rains of last night. We had a nice brekkie in the hotel after we had opened lots of lovely cards form family and friends and presents and cards to each other.
After breakfast we went for a walk along the coast to check out the beaches, it was very wet underfoot and stupidly humid. A few pics below.
After our walk we tried to book a restaurant for the evening to celebrate our anniversary. Our first two choices were booked out by weddings (a good weekend to get married we would agree). We ended up booking a table at this place.
Before dinner we walked along Hastings Street doing some shopping and then headed back to the hotel and had a swim. We got ready for dinner and lucked out by landing this table.
Day Nine Hundred and Eighty Seven
A usual day at work and then left early to go and pick up Kate so we could drive to Noosa to celebrate our first wedding anniversary. All was going well until the last 20km into Noosa when we got caught in a massive storm. I've never driven in worse conditions, relying on the Satnav to tell us how many meters to the next roundabout etc.
The downpour has been reported here
and a snippet
AN incredible 100mm of rain has fallen in just one hour at Noosa, prompting fears of flooding.
Emergency services have again warned drivers to stay off the road unless absolutely necessary.
Heavy rain is expected to continue in the Noosa Heads area before contracting inland during the night.
The Bureau of Meteorology warned that, at 9:25 pm, very dangerous thunderstorms were detected on weather radar near Maroochydore and Noosa Heads.
These thunderstorms are slow moving.
Very heavy rainfall and flash flooding are likely.
90mm of rainfall has been recorded at Noosa Heads in the 1 hour to 9:30pm.
Upon arrival at the hotel we checked in and decided it was easier and safer to eat in the hotel restaurant. Food was lovely.
Here is our hotel
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Day Nine Hundred and Eighty Six
Back to work with a day of catching up and meetings.
Picked up Kate from work and we went shopping to Chermside before coming home. Spent the evening packing in readiness for our weekend away to Noosa to celebrate our first wedding Anniversary.
There be no blog updates for next few days.
Day Nine Hundred and Eighty Five
So Kate and I have to find somewhere else to live by looks of it.
I spent day (my day off today) collecting rental lists form local agents and set up two viewings in the evening after Kate finished work.
The first was nice and nearby but more expensive and two bedrooms, one of which we don't need.
The second was horrible, it was like a grey prison cell in one of the newer wool stores down the road.
Spoke to folks on Skype.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Day Nine Hundred and Eighty Four
A normal day at work, not much to report, have a day off tomorrow though, woohoo.
Day Nine Hundred and Eighty Three
Back to work after a great weekend. Had to make a couple of trips back to the car which I had to park on the street as the car park was full.
Picked up Kate and headed home via the supermarket.
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Day Nine Hundred and Eighty Two
Happy 31st Birthday to my gorgoeus wife Kate.
I headed over to 612 Brunswick and picked up Bill and Carol and brought them back to the flat. We had a Skype call to Adelaide with more present opening and shortly after made our way to Eves for lunch.
Was very pleasent and the food was good, a selection of images below.
We relaxed around the flat in the afternoon before taking Bill and Carol to the airport.
Before going to bed we checked the flight status and to our dismay we found Bill and Carol had been diverted to Melbourne because of the Sydney storms. Spoke to them and they were off to the Hilton and then flying back to Sydney on Monday morning.

Day Nine Hundred and Eighty One
A big day today, although Kate was blissfully unaware of what was to come. I had organized with Bill and Carol for them to come to Brisbane to help celebrate Kate’s Birthday tomorrow.
I had engineered a plan to meet Bill and Carol by surprise at The New farm Deli on the premise of Kate and I having to pick up their parcel from the post office next door.
All was going well, I managed to get Kate to the post office but she rushed off ahead to get in the queue, having not been able to locate Bill and Carol at the Cafe as we walked past I had to admit there was no card to pick up the parcel form Post Office, briefly this made Kate a bit 'unhappy' as she had asked me to make sure I had the post office card before we left the house.
After some explaining the parcel was being hand delivered she grasped her folks were in town and headed into the Deli to meet them. Was a very nice reunion.
We had a lovely breakfast at the Deli before heading back home.
We went and checked Bill and Carol into their accommodation before heading back to the flat again and a trip to the pool downstairs.
After a nice swim we all went for a walk along the river and drinkies at The London Club. We walked home again and then got a Thai takeaway in.
An evening of Scrabble followed and Kate and I won an game each, my win came off the word Emerging in my last go which netted me a 106 point go and a cruise to victory.
Late in the evening we dropped Bill and Carol back to their accommodation.
Day Nine Hundred and Eighty
Day Nine Hundred and Seventy Nine
Happy 40th Birthday to my sister Hazel.
We both had a usual day at work before coming home and Skyping Hazel, was good to be able to celebrate her birthday with her via Skype. Thought I would add a pic above of Hazel when young and the folks looking very trendy, seventies style!