Walked into work, past the building site where the builders were all out on strike for some reason, just like living in London going past a tube strike picket line!
Fairly easy day at work and then walked home at 4.30pm.
We heard from the estate agent tonight, our tenants have given notice on the flat to move out later in month, buyer is keen to proceed quicker which is lucky for us.
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Day Eight Hundred and Nine
Kate and I went and got our Queensland Driving Licenses sorted out this morning, all seemed very easy and they should arrive in the post in a week or two.
We then went to Chermside to do some shopping, we also went to see the 'The Rise of the Planet of the Apes' movig, not bad but got a bit cheesy towards the end.
More shopping then we headed home.
Spent a bit of money on line buying replacement lights for car so when we get inspection for getting car registered in QLD we'll pass.
Had a massive lightening storm and heavy rain here this evening.
Kate and I went and got our Queensland Driving Licenses sorted out this morning, all seemed very easy and they should arrive in the post in a week or two.
We then went to Chermside to do some shopping, we also went to see the 'The Rise of the Planet of the Apes' movig, not bad but got a bit cheesy towards the end.
More shopping then we headed home.
Spent a bit of money on line buying replacement lights for car so when we get inspection for getting car registered in QLD we'll pass.
Had a massive lightening storm and heavy rain here this evening.
Monday, 29 August 2011
Day Eight Hundred and Eight
Day Eight Hundred and Seven
Up at 6.10am and back to Event Control to help finish off. Spent the morning packing trucks and then drove back to the city in convoy.More time spent unloading trucks before driving one of the trucks back to hire place in Arncliffe.
Got a lift back to city and we had a team lunch in the pub near office. took a train back to St Leonard where Bill picked me up. Home for a shower and change then off to airport to fly back to Brisbane.
Was met by Kate and we headed home and crashed out again.
All in all a very successful event in Sydney and no major incidents.
Up at 6.10am and back to Event Control to help finish off. Spent the morning packing trucks and then drove back to the city in convoy.More time spent unloading trucks before driving one of the trucks back to hire place in Arncliffe.
Got a lift back to city and we had a team lunch in the pub near office. took a train back to St Leonard where Bill picked me up. Home for a shower and change then off to airport to fly back to Brisbane.
Was met by Kate and we headed home and crashed out again.
All in all a very successful event in Sydney and no major incidents.
Day Eight Hundred and Six
Another early start, got up at 4.40am to head to event control centre to do my shift as the event controller starting at 5.30. A very non eventful shift (a welcome relief after the craziness of Brisbane event). Once that was done spent some time relaxing at CP8 and then came back to Event control to meet Bill and Carol who had come to volunteer.
Spent more time sorting out stores before heading home at about 7.30pm. Had some food with Bill and Carol and soon enough crashed out.
Another early start, got up at 4.40am to head to event control centre to do my shift as the event controller starting at 5.30. A very non eventful shift (a welcome relief after the craziness of Brisbane event). Once that was done spent some time relaxing at CP8 and then came back to Event control to meet Bill and Carol who had come to volunteer.
Spent more time sorting out stores before heading home at about 7.30pm. Had some food with Bill and Carol and soon enough crashed out.
Day Eight Hundred and Five
Friday Another early start to get to Checkpoint 6 for bump in. Before that said goodbye to Kate who is heading back to Brisbane today to meet recruiters. Arrived at Checkpoint 6 - Mcfarlane reserve to open the gate and let in the contractors.
Spent all morning getting CP built and setting up all the Oxfam kit. At about 3 o'clock after first team had come through I left and headed to the Finish to help with final bump in there. Pics below of CP6 once built.
Spent all morning getting CP built and setting up all the Oxfam kit. At about 3 o'clock after first team had come through I left and headed to the Finish to help with final bump in there. Pics below of CP6 once built.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Day Eight Hundred and Four
Day Eight Hundred and Three
Spent much of the day after taking train into work managing a whole fleet of hire vehicles, this involved another trip to the van hire place and then managing street parking, the office car park etc etc. I did manage to put a dent in one of the vans in our underground car park, ooops.
More interstate staff arrived and we had event briefing at 6pm in the office.
Took train home at 7.30 and got picked up by Kate and home for dinner.
Spent much of the day after taking train into work managing a whole fleet of hire vehicles, this involved another trip to the van hire place and then managing street parking, the office car park etc etc. I did manage to put a dent in one of the vans in our underground car park, ooops.
More interstate staff arrived and we had event briefing at 6pm in the office.
Took train home at 7.30 and got picked up by Kate and home for dinner.
Day Eight Hundred and Two
Drove the van into work and spent all morning at Keenards laodign all the event gear into two trucks. Lots of hard work but between us we just managed to fit everything in! For the rest of the day I was in the office helping Sydney team get lots of jobs done. All seems very calm and under control.
Took the train home to St Leonard's and Kate picked me up.
Drove the van into work and spent all morning at Keenards laodign all the event gear into two trucks. Lots of hard work but between us we just managed to fit everything in! For the rest of the day I was in the office helping Sydney team get lots of jobs done. All seems very calm and under control.
Took the train home to St Leonard's and Kate picked me up.
Monday, 22 August 2011
Day Eight Hundred and One
Spent the morning doing collections in van for Sydney event. The afternoon was spent i the Sydney office supporting the team on stuff they needed doing. took a train to Arncliff to pick up a 3 ton truck and drove that back to office too.
Had a call form estate agent in UK to discuss an offer on flat. Advised him to not accept it yet but go back to person offering asking for a bit more. 10 minutes later he came back with a counter offer from buyer which I've accepted. All looking good with the buyer being in a strong position. Fingers crossed it all goes through.
Spent the morning doing collections in van for Sydney event. The afternoon was spent i the Sydney office supporting the team on stuff they needed doing. took a train to Arncliff to pick up a 3 ton truck and drove that back to office too.
Had a call form estate agent in UK to discuss an offer on flat. Advised him to not accept it yet but go back to person offering asking for a bit more. 10 minutes later he came back with a counter offer from buyer which I've accepted. All looking good with the buyer being in a strong position. Fingers crossed it all goes through.
Day Eight Hundred
800 days down under....
Hard to believe this is the 800th posting, still have a few days to update back form February and my 2 year roundup is still to be completed. I'm trying to get back into habit of writing this everyday. I know my folks read it daily but I wonder if there is anyone else out there, if so leave a comment hahaha.
Another lazy day in Sydney. Spent morning reading papers etc, pies for lunch followed by the Sydney Swans game on the telly.
Had steak and veggie meal for dinner cooked by Carol, I then met Kelly (my equivalent for the Sydney event) and took a van off her and dropped her to St Leonards station.
Came home and had a good Skype call with folks.
Off to bed before a big Sydney TW week.
Hard to believe this is the 800th posting, still have a few days to update back form February and my 2 year roundup is still to be completed. I'm trying to get back into habit of writing this everyday. I know my folks read it daily but I wonder if there is anyone else out there, if so leave a comment hahaha.
Another lazy day in Sydney. Spent morning reading papers etc, pies for lunch followed by the Sydney Swans game on the telly.
Had steak and veggie meal for dinner cooked by Carol, I then met Kelly (my equivalent for the Sydney event) and took a van off her and dropped her to St Leonards station.
Came home and had a good Skype call with folks.
Off to bed before a big Sydney TW week.
Day Seven Hundred and Ninety Nine
A leisurely morning followed by a trip to Chatswood Chase to do some shopping, Had lunch up there too. Drove back to Willoughby and in the evening I cooked a Chicken and Mushroom risotto for the family which went down well I think.
Watched the movie 'Fair Game' in the evening, not bad I gave it a 6/10
A leisurely morning followed by a trip to Chatswood Chase to do some shopping, Had lunch up there too. Drove back to Willoughby and in the evening I cooked a Chicken and Mushroom risotto for the family which went down well I think.
Watched the movie 'Fair Game' in the evening, not bad I gave it a 6/10
Day Seven Hundred and Ninety Eight
A good day out inthe national park researching new trials to make modifications to our route for 2012. We had lots of feedback form walkers about certain sections and that coupled with our already known issues with 2011 route, Brett and I went out and measured some new routes.
That took most of the day and then I drove back to Teneriffe before Kate and I headed to the airport to fly to Sydney.
Flight was OK, a bit late leaving and then slow to get to get in to Sydney due to other aircraft being on the stand.
Met Carol and we all drove back to Willoughby, had a cup of tea and Bill then came home, had a catch up and then bed.
A good day out inthe national park researching new trials to make modifications to our route for 2012. We had lots of feedback form walkers about certain sections and that coupled with our already known issues with 2011 route, Brett and I went out and measured some new routes.
That took most of the day and then I drove back to Teneriffe before Kate and I headed to the airport to fly to Sydney.
Flight was OK, a bit late leaving and then slow to get to get in to Sydney due to other aircraft being on the stand.
Met Carol and we all drove back to Willoughby, had a cup of tea and Bill then came home, had a catch up and then bed.
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Day Seven Hundred and Ninety Seven
Struggled to drag myself out of bed this morning after the good news coming through the night from RK back in blighty.
Walked into work and had a day of meetings and wrapping things up before a day out tomorrow in the park measuring trails for 2012, then flying to Sydney for next weeks Sydney event.
Home in the evening and packing.
Struggled to drag myself out of bed this morning after the good news coming through the night from RK back in blighty.
Walked into work and had a day of meetings and wrapping things up before a day out tomorrow in the park measuring trails for 2012, then flying to Sydney for next weeks Sydney event.
Home in the evening and packing.
Day Seven Hundred and Ninety Six
Another walk into work and a walk home again. After dinner we Skyped folks. Later in the evening I got a text from Rob to say Jo had gone into labour 8 weeks early. He continued to text us throughout the night and news came a baby girl was born weighing 5lbs in our early morning time. Mother and baby doing well which is great news.
Another walk into work and a walk home again. After dinner we Skyped folks. Later in the evening I got a text from Rob to say Jo had gone into labour 8 weeks early. He continued to text us throughout the night and news came a baby girl was born weighing 5lbs in our early morning time. Mother and baby doing well which is great news.
Day Seven Hundred and Ninety Five
Walked into work and spent a usual day there before walking home again. Nothing major to report today!
Walked into work and spent a usual day there before walking home again. Nothing major to report today!
Monday, 15 August 2011
Day Seven Hundred and Ninety Four
A relaxed day at work, had my annual appraisal which went well. Kate collected me after work and we did some shopping for food. Not much else to report today!
A relaxed day at work, had my annual appraisal which went well. Kate collected me after work and we did some shopping for food. Not much else to report today!
Sunday, 14 August 2011
Day Seven Hundred and Ninety Three
A slow start to the day and finally up and about by about 1pm. Morning did involve the telly, paying bills, doing some washing etc, all the exciting weekend stuff!
Before lunch we took a brisk walk along the river and then came home for a healthy lunch.
The afternoon was spent watching a shocking game of AFL seeing the Swans get beaten.
A salad dinner and then Skype to folks shortly.
A slow start to the day and finally up and about by about 1pm. Morning did involve the telly, paying bills, doing some washing etc, all the exciting weekend stuff!
Before lunch we took a brisk walk along the river and then came home for a healthy lunch.
The afternoon was spent watching a shocking game of AFL seeing the Swans get beaten.
A salad dinner and then Skype to folks shortly.
Day Seven Hundred and Ninety Two
Kate and I headed to the coast for the day, we drove to Redcliffe which is North East of here. Kate explained this was on the tourist drive that she and the folks drove along when they were over in February. Back then it was wet and cloudy so not much to see, so for their benefit here are pics from Redcliffe of the view.
We had fish and chips on the grass looking at the sea and it was very relaxing. Later in the day we headed further north and took a walk on the pier.
Headed home in the evening.
Kate and I headed to the coast for the day, we drove to Redcliffe which is North East of here. Kate explained this was on the tourist drive that she and the folks drove along when they were over in February. Back then it was wet and cloudy so not much to see, so for their benefit here are pics from Redcliffe of the view.
We had fish and chips on the grass looking at the sea and it was very relaxing. Later in the day we headed further north and took a walk on the pier.
Headed home in the evening.

Saturday, 13 August 2011
Day Seven Hundred and Ninety One
A busy day in the office in the morning after a quick early morning trip to kennards to pick up some bits for this evening awards night.
In the afternoon the whole team headed down to QUT Gardens Theatre to set up for the evening awards ceremony. Soon enough the Trailwalkers were there and the event was in full swing.
Things wrapped up and a few of us headed into the city for a few drinks.
Meanwhile during the day Kate and her mum had lunch, grabbed a movie and then Kate drove her mum to the airport in the evening before I got home.
A busy day in the office in the morning after a quick early morning trip to kennards to pick up some bits for this evening awards night.
In the afternoon the whole team headed down to QUT Gardens Theatre to set up for the evening awards ceremony. Soon enough the Trailwalkers were there and the event was in full swing.
Things wrapped up and a few of us headed into the city for a few drinks.
Meanwhile during the day Kate and her mum had lunch, grabbed a movie and then Kate drove her mum to the airport in the evening before I got home.
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Day Seven Hundred and Ninety
Walked to work, it was chilly this morning. Kate picked up her mum Carol who has come up to see us for a few days now that she has retired.
Came home this evening and nipped out to get a Thai takeaway we've all just devoured!
Still keeping an eye on the UK news with aftermath of rioting all around the country, not sure what the country is coming too!
Walked to work, it was chilly this morning. Kate picked up her mum Carol who has come up to see us for a few days now that she has retired.
Came home this evening and nipped out to get a Thai takeaway we've all just devoured!
Still keeping an eye on the UK news with aftermath of rioting all around the country, not sure what the country is coming too!
Day Seven Hundred and Eighty Nine
A normal day at work, more planning for next year and reviewing 2011. Also helping a little with Sydney preparation as their event is only a few weeks away.
Came home and had a Spag Bol cooked by the lovely Kate.
A normal day at work, more planning for next year and reviewing 2011. Also helping a little with Sydney preparation as their event is only a few weeks away.
Came home and had a Spag Bol cooked by the lovely Kate.
Day Seven Hundred and Eighty Eight
Not much to report today!
It is shocking to see what is happening in the UK wiht all the rioting, seems some of the shops in Colliers Wood were doen over and torched. I expect the Asbo's from Mitcham got on thier stolen push bikes and came over to see what they could rob.
Not much to report today!
It is shocking to see what is happening in the UK wiht all the rioting, seems some of the shops in Colliers Wood were doen over and torched. I expect the Asbo's from Mitcham got on thier stolen push bikes and came over to see what they could rob.
Monday, 8 August 2011
Day Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven
Up early and drove Kate to work for her first day and then headed into the office. usual day at work and then Kate met me in the valley after getting bus home. Her first day went well by all accounts.
Had a quiet night at home.
Up early and drove Kate to work for her first day and then headed into the office. usual day at work and then Kate met me in the valley after getting bus home. Her first day went well by all accounts.
Had a quiet night at home.
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Day Seven Hundred and Eighty Six
A lazy morning at home, lunch at the Powerhouse and the afternoon catching up our to do list.
Skyped the folks in the evening and watched the final of masterchef. I should have put money on it as I picked the winner right back at the start.
A lazy morning at home, lunch at the Powerhouse and the afternoon catching up our to do list.
Skyped the folks in the evening and watched the final of masterchef. I should have put money on it as I picked the winner right back at the start.
Day Seven Hundred and Eighty Five
We spent the morning taking on the housework, what a fun job that is! the afternoon and lunch was spent in the city buying ourselves some clothes. I got a new shirt and tee shirt and Kate got some tops for work.
Came home, did some paperwork stuff and then watched the AFL game in the evening.
We spent the morning taking on the housework, what a fun job that is! the afternoon and lunch was spent in the city buying ourselves some clothes. I got a new shirt and tee shirt and Kate got some tops for work.
Came home, did some paperwork stuff and then watched the AFL game in the evening.
Day Seven Hundred and Eighty Four
A relaxed day in the office including a lunch at the local Chinese Vegetarian restaurant, it's not bad in there and cheap.
An easy afternoon and then headed home and Kate and I had some dinner at home.
Best wishes to Carol on her retirement today.
A relaxed day in the office including a lunch at the local Chinese Vegetarian restaurant, it's not bad in there and cheap.
An easy afternoon and then headed home and Kate and I had some dinner at home.
Best wishes to Carol on her retirement today.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Day Seven Hundred and Eighty Three
Up early and walked to the Valley Railway station to get a train to Toowong, bloody train was late which meant I was late meeting Brett and then late for our meeting with Parks. When we got there it went well with good discussion about next years route.
Had lunch out with another of our suppliers which was good.
Back to office for a team meeting and then the day was gone and came home.
We went for dinner at The London Club down the road and had Tapas.
Up early and walked to the Valley Railway station to get a train to Toowong, bloody train was late which meant I was late meeting Brett and then late for our meeting with Parks. When we got there it went well with good discussion about next years route.
Had lunch out with another of our suppliers which was good.
Back to office for a team meeting and then the day was gone and came home.
We went for dinner at The London Club down the road and had Tapas.
Day Seven Hundred and Eighty Two
Another slow day at work, came home and Skyped the folks and Hazel
Not much else to report.
Another slow day at work, came home and Skyped the folks and Hazel
Not much else to report.
Monday, 1 August 2011
Day Seven Hundred and Eighty
Back to work, walked myself into work. It's interesting to see the progress on the three building sites I now have to walk past to get to work. One is an apartment block around the corner, the second a development on James St and the third a big development near the office. this is going up the fastest.
they started demolishing the building next to our office today to make way for a 14 storey apartment building on Wickham St.
Kate picked me up at 5pm, we unloaded all the clothes from the event into the charity bin opposite the office then went shopping for food.
Back to work, walked myself into work. It's interesting to see the progress on the three building sites I now have to walk past to get to work. One is an apartment block around the corner, the second a development on James St and the third a big development near the office. this is going up the fastest.
they started demolishing the building next to our office today to make way for a 14 storey apartment building on Wickham St.
Kate picked me up at 5pm, we unloaded all the clothes from the event into the charity bin opposite the office then went shopping for food.
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