Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Day Seven Hundred and Eighteen


Did a site visit today with traffic mgt company and bus company planning our 3.30am start in 16 days time. All went well, lets see how it goes during the event.

Spent a lot of time preparing for our stakeholder safety briefing tomorrow.

And our fundraising went over $500 000 today.

Day Seven Hundred and Seventeen


Into work early again, and did a long day cracking on with prep for Stakeholder briefing on Wednesday.

Congratulations to Neil and Suzanne who tied the knot today, good on ya.

Day Seven Hundred and Sixteen


Was in work at 7.30 on a Sunday! Spent the morning there and then came home and chilled out inthe afternoon. Did some more scheduling for event if thats classed as chilling out. We did some shopping and Skyped folks.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Day Seven Hundred and Fifteen


A lazy lay in and then we got up and Kate helped me with more scheduling. After lunch I went into the office for a good few hours while Kate stayed at home watching a very tight game of AFL which the swans won.

Came home and had a Chinese takeaway.

Spent a lot of time this evening packing away our wedding presents.

Day Seven Hundred and Fourteen


Another busy day in the office, half of the morning was spent at Kennards. Came home and cooked Risotto for dinner.

Day Seven Hundred and Thirteen


Up early and out to Brookfield to do a site visit at our checkpoint 6, this was then followed by a visit to our Finish site to meet with our start/finish gantry supplier to check they will be able to build it at the Finish. All went well.

Back to the office via a trip to Beausdesert Road to pick up some pipe fittings for the two 1000l tanks I bought this week.

Back tot he office for an afternoon of meetings. Came home and we did some shopping.

Day Seven Hundred and Twelve


A busy day in the office. Final stages of getting everything done, did end up driving backwards and forwards to Kennards 2 or 3 times.

Not much else to report!

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Day Seven Hundred and Eleven


A busy day at work, got lots done and placed more orders for event equipment.

Came home, did a bit more work and off to bed.

Day Seven Hundred and Ten


Not much to report, stayed at home as I think I had some dodgy seafood yesterday so didn't feel wonderful. Did some work form home in the afternoon. Dinner and bed.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Day Seven Hundred and Nine


A quiet day at home mainly. We did take a trip to Westfield Chermside this morning to do some shopping. Bought some nice boxes in Kikki K to keep our wedding mementos in.

We went to Bunnings and bought some MDF and hardware so I could build a key board for the event. With over 20 vehicles and other keys to manage it needs a board to keep all keys in right place.

I'm very happy with my handy work. Sorry for poor image quality, we've managed to break our small Canon camera and so I'm using my old phone.

Day Seven Hundred and Eight


Up early and was in Kennards by 8am. As you can see from pics below it's filling up now.

At 9.30 I went into the office and assisted on volunteer training. All went well and I came home at 3pm. Kate had taken delivery of our wedding presents. A very exciting moment, although she lucked out and had to assist getting 10 boxes in lift and into flat, wish I had been here!

We spent a long time opening those 10 boxes taking in all the wonderful presents we had been bought. We are a lucky couple to have such generous family and friends.

Day Seven Hundred and Seven


Worked at home today, got a lot more scheduling done with the assistance of my lovely wife. I reckon I'm 75 percent done with that aspect. The whole event hangs off me scheduling the movements of 42 people form Wednesday through to Sunday. Every move and activity they make between the time they land in Brissie and flying home Sunday I have to choreograph. It all links in with event timings, supplier deliveries etc etc so a bit of a brain intensive activity.

Day Seven Hundred and Six


Not much to report, another hectic day at the office and Kennards. Don't know where the days are going at the moment hence the fairly light blog postings. 4 weeks and 1 day until the event starts!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Day Seven Hundred and Five


Took my time getting into work today, had too many early starts and took my time heading in. Got in about 10am.

Another disjointed day and vollie sessions so late finish.

Came home to a lovely home cooked lasagne.

Day Seven Hundred and Four


In the office by 7.30. A long disjointed day preparing for the first of our volunteer briefing sessions in the evening. Delivery from Melbourne finally arrived late in the afternoon I did the presentations (as I had done so many last year) so that this years vollie coordinator could get an understanding of how it is done.

All seemed to go well. Came home at about 8pm and was super tired. Crashed on sofa by about 9pm.

Day Seven Hundred and Three


Another early start, into office by 8am.

Got a lot done and then came home.

Day Seven Hundred and Two

Up early and into the office until lunchtime. Came home via the pie shop for lunch and then Kate and I went to Kennards to sort the storage unit out in anticipation of a 3 pallet delivery of kit from Melbourne.

We headed home via the supermarket and then Skyped folks.

A quiet night at home and off to bed.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Day Seven Hundred and One


I awoke early and was in the office by 8am. Wanted some quiet time there to get on with the event critical master maps. Came home at lunchtime.

In the afternoon we drove out to Lake Manchester to do a final site inspection. I've moved the site around a little and wanted to measure the site to ensure my plan works. Met a team out training which was good.

We came home, watched lots of AFL on the telly and had some sticky chicken wings for dinner.

Day Seven Hundred

700 days

A good day working at home without distraction doing scheduling. Kate was great help again. We had to go to Kennards to put a delivery in the storage unit, 3000 Carmens Muesli bars.

At 5pm we headed to the post office to post an application for our wedding certificate. I also sent in my visa paperwork, despite having police certificate missing I thought best to get it in.

In the evening I cooked a steak dinner.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Day Six Hundred and Ninety Nine

Well it's 4 years today that Kate and I had our first proper date in Leicester Square in London. To celebrate we went for tapas at the London Club just down the road. Was very nice after another manic day at work.

Spoke to Bill and Carol in the evening.

Tomorrow I'm working at home

In other exciting news I put the car through the car wash, the first time it has seen a clean since we drove to Queensland in November....

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Day Six Hundred and Ninety Eight

Another crazily busy day at work, came home, Skyped folks and got a takeaway. Spoke to Kates mum on the phone too.

Sorry not much detail again!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Day Six Hundred and Ninety Seven


Another manic day at work, lots of issues resolved and key contractors locked in.

Sorry short blog, not much to report today.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Day Six Hundred and Ninety Six


Yet another rainy day in Brisbane. Manic day at work, all kinds of craziness in the office, I pulled the plug and left at 6pm and Kate kindly picked me up.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Day Six Hundred and Ninety Five

A lazy day spent around the apartment mainly. We phoned Sydney in the morning as it's Mothers Day here in Oz so Kate spoke to Carol to wish her well for the day.

Kate helped me some more doing event scheduling which is coming along slowly.

Had a Skype call to UK in the evening.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Day Six Hundred and Ninety Four


This morning Kate and I went to the post office, lots of post to send.

We did some shopping and then came home for lunch. Kate stayed at home and watched the Swans while I went into the office for a few hours to get some stuff done.

This evening I cooked pork ribs in the famous Crystal recipe, it was very nice but we'll need a small nuclear device to remove the burnt on sauce from the cookware.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Day Six Hundred and Ninety Three

I worked at home today and spent all day doing event scheduling. Kate was a great help doing all the data entry for me and picking up my errors and making useful suggestions.

We had a Thai takeaway for dinner this evening. Feels like a Saturday today having been at home all day.

Day Six Hundred and Ninety Two


Happy Birthday to Mr Seward.

A crazy day in the office, lots of things happening but event is all coming together.

Came home and had a Skype with folks and watched dad open his presents.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Day Six Hundred and Ninety One


Up early and spent all day driving 190km all up to visit all the event sites. Reason to measure Telstra wireless signal. Took all day but reassuring that all sites have the signal we need.

Got home at 6pm, Kate cooked lovely pasta and watched TV for rest of evening.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Day Six Hundred and Ninety


A busy day in the office. The heavens absolutely opened today and it was pitch black at 4.20 this afternoon as the skies opened.


Kate picked me up and we had a quiet night.

Day Six Hundred and Eighty Nine


The day Osama Bin Laden was dispatched.

It's Labour day here in QLD so a day off. However I put Kate to good work whilst I worked at home doing event scheduling. She was a legend sitting there and doing data entry while I unloaded my event brain.

We finished up early afternoon, took a walk along the river and then Kate cooked steak for dinner.

Day Six Hundred and Eighty Eight


I got up and headed south to go go-karting with the boys from work. We went here


Was good fun although I failed to win any races. Came home for about 3pm and Kate and I hit the shops in the city followed by a fun trip round the supermarket.

Came home and had a Skype with folks after we had watched program one of the new season of Masterchef. Kiss good bye to early evening TV viewing for next 4 months.