201....Wednesday 30th December 2009We got up and drove over to Willoughby to pick up Bill and Carol. We then drove and hour and a half south to Bowral. We were there for Kate and Carol to attend a Kitchen Party for Hannah (as part of the wedding build up). Myself and Chris, Bill and Hannahs dad and his friend Roger went to the local winery for afternoon tea. We wen tot Centennial Vinyard which is about 2 minutes form where Chris and Hannah will marry in March. http://www.centennial.net.au/It was very nice as you can see from pics below.
We drove home and went to Bill and Carols for dinner and then we watched the Angels and Demons DVD (which was pretty good I have to say) before driving home.
Had a good day at home, Kate was at work. Got a lot of chores done, did the washing now that it is sunny again. Did a little job searching on line and a few other bits and pieces.
We went up the shops to Broadway, not a pleasant experience, there was no air con there. Managed to get a bargain in the sales and bought a dishwasher.
When Kate got home we went up the AB for a quick dinner making use of their $10 meal deal.
We completed our World puzzle this evening. Had the delights of a speeding ticket notice also today from the government of Victoria after our road trip to the great ocean road, 234 dollars, a bit excessive I think, ho hum.
Tomorrow is a brief trip to the Southern Highlands.
Really not much to report today, it's rained most of the day, we have hung out at home making use of Christmas Pressies, watching telly and just relaxing. Kate is off to work tomorrow and I'll do some CV updating.
We got up and had some brekkie and before we knew it we were back on our way over to Willoughby. We helped get ready for the arrival of lots of Bills family. All of a sudden everyone arrived and before we knew it there were 33 people in the house.
Was nice to meet more of the extended family and to see Ian and Jess and their new son Finlay again. We saw them many times in London before we left and they head back there on Friday.
After everyone had left we chilled out and had dinner in Willoughby, a bit of TV - Bill and Carol bought a new plasma today, the same model as ours so TV viewing is much improved in Willoughby.
Still grey here, and very muggy, hopefully it will clear up soon!
Oh and Kate started the worlds hardest jigsaw puzzle my folks bought her, she is struggling on with it....
A full nights sleep with out distraction form Pets, well there was apparently but I slept through it. We got up around 9am and then watched telly most of morning. Showered etc, had a light lunch from bakery and then Chris and Hannah arrived.
We opened the rest of our presents, got lots of good stuff including a body board (short surfboard thing) from Kate so I can even more become an Aussie. Had may generous gifts from the Colhoun family which was very nice.
We had a roast pork dinner with all the trimmings and Kate made some superb cakes for dessert. We played trivial pursuit after that and then we have just driven home to Glebe. Off to bed now before another extended family and friends day back in Willoughby.
After getting to bed at about 1am we woke up about 8am. Randomly was awoken several times through the night, at about 3am by the bin men emptying bins outside, very random time to do it, a mozzie buzzing around the room, waking up hot and then the dog trying to get in the room at about 7am!
We had some brekkie and then opened some presents, not everything yet as we'll save some for when Chris and Hannah are here tomorrow.We then had a lovely roast chicken lunch, preceded by the seafood I bought at the fish market yesterday. We had mince pies and ice cream to finish.In the afternoon we went over to Tim and Anitas house (Kates cousin) where Fiona (another Kate cousin) is staying while they are in Europe for Christmas. Was lovely to meet more of the Colhoun clan.
We came home having dropped Bill off to work and had two excellent Skype calls, firstly to hazel and Peter and then mum and dad. We exchanged presents across the internet on the video call. We both got some great stuff.
Its raining heavily here in Sydney now.
We watched a bit of TV and it's off to bed.It's tough having Christmas apart form family but I know we'll regularly have Christmases in the UK, I think you need that cold and dark nights to make it really Christmasy, but the first Christmas down under has been very nice indeed.
I was up early, I made my way to the fish market and was there by 7.40am. Seems half of Sydney had the same idea, everywhere was three deep with people. I guess people want it as fresh as possible for Christmas so was to be expected.Managed to get a load of cooked King Prawns and smoked salmon to see us through Christmas and Boxing Day.
I was back home before Kate had left for work. Kate went and I chilled out at home. I did check the progress of the bird stuck in the tree above our house. Alas it was still stuck in a load of plastic which was caught in a branch.Yesterday I had phoned WIRES (the wildlife rescue service for native wildlife), they had stated they were uninsured to climb ladders and advised calling fire brigade. This I thought was overkill at time but as time had gone on it seemed the only way to get a solution.A quick call to Glebe Fire Station and 15 minutes later I had the use of a full crew of firemen and their appliance. After some discussion they decided to go over the back of the house and up onto roof, using ladders and ropes.They finally caught the little fella, turns out it was a Rainbow Lorikeet
and brought him/her down branch, plastic and all.The fire folks left and phoned WIRES again hoping they would collect it and untangle it and fix it up. They had no one to help and suggested local vet. As such we took it there and dropped it off, WIRES will pick up costs, collect it later and release it back near our house. It seems these little fellas pair up and his/her mate was sitting in the tree swacking at at our injured fella so hopefully they will be reunited.Kate is calling me a proper Aussie now for looking after wildlife., I just could sleep over Christmas knowing poor thing was swinging trapped in the tree.
Up on the roof Bringing it down Trying to untangle it... After all that excitement we packed up for Crimbo in readiness for Bill and Carols.We then went to Andrew Milnes for a Christmas drinkie before coming over for a nice spag bol in Willoughby
As I write this everyone is downstairs watching 'Father of the Bride', very funny and we are laughing at our wedding ideas too.
An interesting review of the Aussie Year the blighty readers might find interesting
Kate was at work again today and I hung out around the house again. Not a great deal to report, just more Christmas prep. Had a good Skype call with folks.
Oh and we have a Rainbow Loorikeet stuck in the tree above our house, if it's still there tomorrow I'll have to do something.
A day at home wrapping presents etc. Kate was at work. I wondered up to Glebe to get some lunch and then back to the house. We had dinner at home and then just did the whole telly thing in evening.
A busy day, up at 7am to get ready to go out as Kate was going to work and I had to drive her there. We were out of house by 8.30 am. I dropped Kate off and then went and met Bill. We then went to one of his friends houses (a celebrity house don't you know) and I met John who gave me CV advise and may send me some contacts. It was a really useful chat.
I dropped Bill home and then went final Christmas shopping at the Chase, got petrol, drove home, had some lunch, did some washing, washed up, tidied up, watched a bit of telly. Then drove to Newtown to drop off some stuff to Carolines. Then drove to Broadway and tried to buy Bill and Carol some Christmas lights for their house, everywhere was sold out.
Came home, took down one set of our lights to give to them, did a few more things then drove over and picked up Kate from work and we went straight to Willoughby and met Chris and Hannah who had arrived form Adelaide.
We had A BBQ in evening when Carol got home, chilled out and then we have just driven home.
I did a ton of other stuff too I think which Ive forgotten...
Happy Birthday to my mother, hope you a have a superb day!
We got up and didn't do much during morning. We then took tram and train to Circular Quay to meet the Caroline and the Boys for Christmas lunch at Wildfire at the passenger terminal.
We did a secret Santa and I got a whole load of Aussie stuff which was cool. The Michael's also bought us a set of hand made lights as an engagement present which was really nice.
We spent all afternoon in restaurant and after that went to the Glenmore Hotel for a couple more drinks. This was the place we stopped at with folks for a coke when we walked the the Pylon lookout when they were over.
A day doing Christmas stuff. Kate went and met her folks across the bridge and spent all day Christmas shopping. I took the tram to Pyrmont Bay and walked across Darling Harbour and went shopping in town.
We met back in Glebe later in afternoon and then at about 6.30 were picked up by Bill and Carol and went to one of their closest friends for Dinner. Maureen and family were very welcoming with a lovely house and superb food. That was over in Bondi area.
We had good healthy debate on the Royal family which was fun.
Kate went for her second interview today at the PCFA, I drove her over there and afterwards we went shopping for Christmas.
We then came over to Bill and Carols for dinner and decided to stay over here tonight.
Had a good chat top Chris and Hannah too and look forward to the next couple of weeks when they are back in Sydney. Seems party season is starting, we are out Sat night, Sun Lunch, and then things happening all the way up to Christmas.
It still doesn't feel like Crimbo, with it being so hot and nice weather it just doesn't really compute to this English Boy...
Oh and Bill has kindly set me up with a meeting with one of his friends on Monday to help me possibly get some event contacts/leads which should be good.
Oh and for prosperity here is pics folks sent me form UK of the weather they have returned to and now endure...
Wed were awoken by the folks calling to say they were home safe and sound. Apparently it's 1 degree C at home, not much fun. Over 30 here in Sydney today.
Kate went off to work and I did 4 loads of washing, oh the joys of unemployment. After lunch I went to visit the Oxfam team in Sydney, there could be some possibility of work in near future so we'll see how that plays out in the new year.
Came home and Kate got back just after me. We had some dinner and then spoke to folks on phone again.
Oh and folks texted to say its snowing in Blighty...queue the stories of Britain coming to a grinding halt again.
Got up and we did some chores and then went over to Chatswood and did some more Christmas shopping. Had a few texts form the folks who got on the second leg of their flight form Singapore after stopover.
The last day the folks are here in Australia. It has been wonderful having them here, we have done so many good things together in the last 5 weeks. We've been to Melbourne, driven the great ocean road, taken them to look at wedding venues, shown them our lives here down under etc etc.
It's been good showing them places we talk about and I write about here and I think it gives them a good insight into our lives here.
We got up and helped them pack and get sorted, we then took them to the fish market for lunch, that was good although weather hasn't been so good today.
We came back to Glebe, did a few bits and pieces and then headed to the airport. After they had checked in and we had a cuppa it was time for them to go. We tried to make it quick and easy but these things are always pretty unpleasant. Anyway after lots of tears all round we parted ways and they went through to departures.
We'll both miss them and the house certainly seems quiet now. We cant wait to see them back here for the wedding.
After the airport we nipped to Broadway and bought a folder from Kikki K to store all our wedding info in, grabbed some food from supermarket and headed home to our quiet house. We've just watched TV this evening and chilled. We also spoke to Carol and then Chris and Hannah on the phone.
We were up and about early and walked to the fish markets to get some supplies for our family Christmas Day while folks are here. We bought smoked salmon, Moreton Bay Bugs and prawns for our starters.
We came back and started prepping. We re-organised the kitchen area as you can see form below and used the outside table. It all looked pretty good.
We finished prepping and then Bill and Carol arrived with more food for the mains. We sent the folks out for drinks and got everything finalised.
Kate made a superb Chocolate pavlova which was decked out with cream and fruit.
We all sat down to dinner which was all good. After dinner we exchanged a few presents, the folks gave Bill and carol a picture from Windsor where they spent time together the year before last. There was a bit of emotion at that point.
Bill and Carol left and we cleared up. We decided to nip out later in the evening and rove over to Luna Park which was shut, anyway we walked along the waterfront for a while.
We drove back to Glebe and finished off the evening with tea and scrabble.
Before During Still During Mmmmmmmmm After....men at work...
We arrived in Sydney exactly 6 months ago today, I'm not quite sure where the time has gone, in two weeks Christmas will all be over!
We've done a lot in 6 months, found and furnished our house, bought a car, been to Fraser Island and got engaged, been back to England, been backward and forwards to Melbourne, been to Adelaide, had the folks here 5 weeks, done various bits of work and spent quite some time looking for jobs.
Here's to the next 6 months, we'll be sorted for jobs, I get vibe things are turning our way on that front so hopefully in New Year things will be sorted.I'm getting upbeat about it after a few good calls this week.
As for Saturday, we got up early and went to the Botanic Gardens for the Colhoun Christmas Picnic Brunch. it was col, it was mainly Kate's aunts side of the family, Barbara (Bills sister) and her daughters, Yolanda, Belinda and Anita and respective partners and children.
We left there to go and view another wedding venue at 11am and then back to the picnic.
We came home and ate up the leftovers from yesterdays BBQ and in the afternoon all slept and chilled out. We had takeaway fish and chips form up the road for dinner and rounded out the day with the continuation of the Oz v UK Scrabble tournament. Current score is 11 to 8 to the 'Aussies'.
We got up early and walked Beau around the local park. We then were out Christmas shopping by 10.30. Had a good session and got a lot of stuff.
We then headed back to Glebe and started getting ourselves sorted for the BBQ in the evening. The folks arrived home at about 5pm, showered and we were all set for everyone arriving.
People arrived from 7ish onwards and we had a good BBQ with lots of chat and drink. We finished up at about 1am and went to bed.
Up and about early so that all the folks could head off to Canberra for 2 days. Bill and Carol got here at about 9.30 am. Before they left we all sat down and discussed wedding finances. Was a good conversation and everyone knows where they stand. it's all coming together.
They all left and headed off to the capital. Kate and I hung around the house and then she wen to an interview in the early afternoon. I did some shopping in the meantime and then we met up and headed to Willoughby to look after the pets for the night.
Had some food and watched DVD's and then had a disrupted nights sleep by dogs and cats causing chaos!
oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hundredddddddddddddd and eightyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Lets have a look at what you could have won.....well Mrs Smith from Walsall, you've one a speedboat to share with your butch darts playing friend....
Anyway I digress into Bullseye comedy that will mean nothing to the Aussie readers.
Kate went to work, the folks got up at 9.30, well after me I may add and took themselves off to the fish market to buy stuff to cook us dinner.
I hung out at home and ended up talking to a recruitment agent I used to talk to in the UK. He tried to lure me away form Symbian a couple of times and almost persuaded me back then. Anyhow he has also made the leap to Australia with his girlfriend and is still in recruitment, we'll have coffee in new year and discuss options.
Looked at few other jobs too.
Kate came home with a huge plate of baklava from Glenwood, very nice it was too.
the folks cooked a lovely pasta dinner, spoke ot Hazel and we then played scrabble for rest of night. Us Aussies are now leading 10 games to 6, much to the dislike of the old man...
Up and about early, onto the tram and train to Circular Quay. We then boarded a Captain Cook Cruise around the harbour. The one we took ' the coffee cruise' took 2 hours and was really good. It went all round the bays and across middle harbour and back again.
After we docked we went to the fish markets for lunch, we went to the yumcha place upstairs
We wondered back home, it was really hot incidentally.In the evening we went to see Mamma Mia at the Lyric Theatre in the casino complex, that was really good too, although it was pretty chilly inside as auditorium was half full but the aircondidn't know that....
Mum and Dad Some Bridge Modern Sailing Craft Other Transport is available...
A day around the house, it was a really hot day today.
Folks went out shopping most of the day and Kate went to work. In the evening we wondered over to darling harbour and had some food in the food court. Folks went over to the Aquarium for a few hours. Kate and I came home as I had a headache.
We had a good call with Chris and Hannah. When folks came back we chilled a bit then grabbed some Zzzzzzzzzzzz's.
We went out to the garden centre in North Sydney today and bought some shrubs for our new planters we bought a while back. We bought some more pots and plants too, plus some herbs. Very Good Life...
We had some lunch and then did all the planting, it looks pretty good. After that Alv and I put up the Christmas lights out front. All very festive despite it being sunny and hot.
We went out for dinner at Jordan's at Darling Harbour, a bit rushed but pretty good food.
Up and about early (difficult considering we got in late) and we left the house by 8.45. We spent the day viewing various wedding venues. we met with Bill and carol too so there was a contingent of 6 viewing the places.
We got a good idea of the places and have a fair idea where we may hold it. I wont mention it here yet until we firm up our thoughts and figure out dates etc. Watch this space.
In the afternoon we just came back to Glebe, we had planned to go out to dinner but decided to stay in and just relax as we were all pretty tired.
our lovely Mancunian neighbours held a party which finished at 6am Sunday morning so sleep was somewhat broken throughout the night.
During the morning we hung out around the house while the folks sorted themselves out after getting back from NZ.
In the afternoon we took the folks to the Zoo, had lunch there and wondered round until about 4pm. We also looked at it as a possible venue for our wedding.
In the evening we left folks at home and then went to the Beresford Arms for Pru's leaving drinks. A mad pub that looks small from outside but opens right up out the back.
Got up and hung out at home. Then went and met a recruitment agent in North Sydney, they didn't have anything for me but advised me on CV and good agents to contact. They suggested I go with IT project mgt contracts for now. I guess this is right way to go and put events dream on hold for a bit.
Some CV updating to be done then. Other aspect is Christmas is kicking in and I know form experience recruitment takes a back seat until new year.
Came back to Glebe, picked up Kate and headed to airport to meet the folks who were coming back from NZ. Great to see them again.
We came home, had some dinner, mapped out what we will do with next 11/12 days and then had a skype call with Hazel. Played a game of scrabble and got beaten!
Tomorrow we visit a wedding venue.
For history sakes on the blog, Tiger Woods admitted getting caught with his pants down today...not that that has made Bill very happy...
Can't believe we are in December already. It doesn't feel like the Christmas build up here, I think it's a combination of
a) It's generally sunny and warm everyday, very summer like to me! b) The Aussies seem to have less build up, there's very few Christmas adverts on telly, there is some decorations in street/shopping centres but it's not in your face like it is in UK.
I think it's better as in UK you are sick of it by Dec 25th, whereas here it will be quite nice when it arrives.
Spent the day at home, looking for jobs, sorting out Itunes and a few other bits and pieces. The folks arrives back here tomorrow which will be cool.
We got up and tidied up. Pru was coming over to go out to lunch so we thought we had better tidy up a bit!
Pru arrived and we headed up to the AB for lunch which was all good. After lunch we came home and chatted with Pru until she went off to meet her sister.
rest of the day was around the house, writing Christmas cards to send to Blighty. Also looked at jobs again hehehe.
Spoke to a recruitment agent in North Sydney who I will go and visit on Thursday